ES / EN / PT


FRIDAY 15 november

Pabellón Municipal de Cartaya – 16:00h to 21:00h
Collection of race bibs and participant’s bag.

SATURDAY 16 november

EL ROMPIDO (Paseo Marítimo) – 8:00h to 9:30h 
Collection of race bibs and participant’s bag. 

Control of signatures and collection of GPS device.

EL ROMPIDO (Paseo Marítimo) – 10:00h

SUNDAY 17 november

EL ROMPIDO (Paseo Marítimo) – 5:00h  (19 HOURS IN RACE)

Forecast arrival first runner HUEX NON STOP.

EL ROMPIDO (Paseo Marítimo) – 14:00h 
«Pairs – Tríos – Team Prize Giving Ceremony

EL ROMPIDO (Paseo Marítimo) – 18:00h 
«Individual Prize Giving Ceremony»

EL ROMPIDO (Paseo Marítimo) – 22:00h  (36 HOURS)

Closes at the finish line.


Seguimiento GPS de los participantes.

Huex Non Stop 2023 checkpoint passage time application


Friday, 15th November
Pabellón Municipal de Cartaya – 16.00h to 21:00h

Saturday, 16th November
Paseo Marítimo, El Rompido – 8:30h to 21:00h  



All participants in the INDIVIDUAL modality have the possibility of handing in two life bags with all the material and food they want to find at the refreshment points in Nerva and Almonaster la Real, approximately every 155 kms.

The bags of life will be handed out by the organisation at the race bib distribution, identified with the participant’s bib number.

Participants must hand in the two bags of life in the area provided before entering the start box.

The organisation will transport these bags to the indicated refreshment points so that the participant can find his/her bag on arrival at the refreshment point.

Once the refreshment point has closed, the bags will be transported back to the finish line so that the participant can collect their bags of life on entering the finish line.

BAG OF LIFE 1 – NERVA – KM 157,7



– At the refreshment points where there is a Bag of Life, there will be microwaves so that participants can carry and heat their own food.

– No other format of Bag of Life will be accepted other than the one handed out by the organisation at the race bib collection.


  • Use of an approved cycling helmet.
  • Mobile phone with a charged battery.
  • Watertight bottles and/or bags for liquids: With a minimum total capacity of 1L.
  • Use of GPS navigation device.
  • Use of reflective elements, front and rear lights so that participants are clearly visible at dusk, night and dawn.
  • Thermal blanket.
  • Food reserve: bars, gels, fruit
  • Mechanical spare parts for punctures.


  • Sunglasses and specific gloves.
  • Sun cream: Total protection.
  • Electrolytes and/or mineral salts.
  • Suitable rucksack: according to the volume of the material and the pace of the race.
  • Carry cash and/or credit card for any eventualities that may occur.


The abandonment of one of the team members must be communicated as soon as possible to the organisation.

In case of abandonment of one of the members of a team, the others may continue the race to be Finisher, and must maintain the team category in which they were registered, but will not be eligible for classification prizes.

If the runner who abandons is the one who is running, he must do so at the relay point, arriving by his own means and without any outside help; in the event that a runner does not complete a section, the whole team shall abandon the race.

In the event of abandonment in the middle of the route due to technical breakdown, fatigue and/or injury, the participant must notify the organisation and the ASISTENCIA person will have to evacuate the participant.

In the event of needing medical assistance and the participant is unable to reach a checkpoint, he/she will activate the emergency telephone by contacting the organisation by telephone using the Emergency Mobile Phone number indicated on the race bib.

Once at the refreshment point, the runner will communicate his/her desire to abandon the race to the person in charge of the refreshment point so that he/she can cancel the race bib, hand over the GPS geolocation device and identify him/her as having withdrawn.

The participant withdrawn at the Check Point will be picked up by his ASSISTANCE. 

In the event that the withdrawn runner chooses to return by his own means, he must also inform the organisation of his abandonment, hand over the GPS geolocation device so that the organisation can cancel his bib and identify him as withdrawn, otherwise the organisation will consider him lost and will activate the rescue alarm.


Here are a series of questions and answers that we believe may help you to plan your HUEX NON STOP.

All the details and information about the race can be found in the official REGULATIONS, but these questions and answers are detailed in the questions and answers that we receive most from the participants and that we wanted to share with everyone. 

The race will start on Saturday 16th november at 10:00h in El Rompido, Municipality of Cartaya, (Huelva) and will finish on Sunday 17th November in the same place at 22:00h (36 hours). 

The race consists of 8 sections, at the end of each of which there is a mandatory relay point.

The HUEX NON STOP has the following technical data: 464 kms  | 8800m Elevation + approx | 8800m Elevation – approx. 

The route has been divided into 8 sections which will have to be completed by the different team members, depending on the type of participation.

The route of the HUEX NON STOP runs mostly on roads and paths, although there are sections where it runs on roads and urban stretches. Traffic is completely open and the participant must RESPECT THE CIRCULATION RULES AT ALL TIMES. For traffic purposes, THE PARTICIPANT HAS NO PRIORITY with respect to other vehicles beyond the corresponding traffic rules. 

We reiterate the need for extreme caution and safety on night-time stretches of road and urban stretches.

You can see all the technical information, profiles, cut-off times in the INFORMATION section.

The HUEX NON STOP has a maximum duration of 36 hours. 

This duration means doing the route at a minimum total average speed of 13km/h.

The cut-off times per section are calculated according to the difficulty, the minimum average speeds varying between 15km/h and 11km/h depending on the difficulty.

Participation in the HUEX NON STOP implies being of legal age on the day of the event. 

Participants may register in one of the following team categories:

Individual Male or Female.
Male, Female or Mixed Pairs Relay.
Trios Relays Male, Female or Mixed.



The course of the HUEX NON STOP is divided into 8 sections. Depending on the type of participation, each team member will have to complete at least the following sections:

Individual Category: The participant must complete all 8 sections.
Pairs Relay Category: Each participant must complete at least 4 sections. 
Trios Relay Category: Each participant must complete at least 2 sections.
Teams Relay Category: Each participant must complete at least 2 sections.

The strategy in the order of the sections to be completed by each participant is freely chosen by the team, and the same participant may do several sections in a row, as long as the number of sections completed by each of the participants is met at the end.

Example: A Trio Relay can do the 2/3 compulsory sections per competitor in a row, i.e. competitor 1 does the first three section in a row, competitor 2 the next 3 and competitor 3 the last 2 sections. 

Strategy is a fundamental part of the HUEX NON STOP.

Each participant of the team that will officially do the section will carry a geolocation device that marks the team’s progress along the route. This participant will be the one who officially counts for the team. 

It is up to the team to decide if they want to do this section accompanied by another participant or companion. 

There is no objection to the participant being accompanied during the completion of the section.

If a participant is unable to finish his section and does not arrive in time before the closing of control, or withdraws without completing the minimum number of sections to be completed, this participant / team will be out of the race. 

In the event that the rest of the team decides to continue participating to be Finisher of the Huex Non Stop by completing the rest of the sections, they will be able to continue in the race but without counting in the official classification.

The rest of the team will be able to continue in the race once they have in their possession the geolocation device of the withdrawn participant.

The abandonment of one of the team members must be communicated as soon as possible to the organisation. In case of abandonment of one of the members of a team, the others may continue the race, being able to be finishers but not eligible for classification prizes. 

If the runner who abandons is the one who is running, he/she must do so at the relay point, arriving by his/her own means and without any outside help; in the event that a runner does not complete a section, the whole team will be disqualified, although the rest of the team may continue the race if they decide to do so, but without entering the classification. 

In the event of abandonment in the middle of the route due to technical breakdown, fatigue and/or injury, the participant must notify the organisation and the person in attendance will have to evacuate the participant.

In the event of needing medical assistance and the participant is unable to reach a checkpoint, he/she will activate the emergency telephone by contacting the organisation by telephone using the Emergency Mobile Phone number indicated on the race bib.

Once at the refreshment point, the runner will communicate his/her desire to abandon the race to the person in charge of the refreshment point so that he/she can cancel the race bib, hand over the geolocation device and identify him/her as having withdrawn.

The participant withdrawn at the Check Point will be picked up by his ASSISTANCE. 

In the event that the withdrawn runner chooses to return by his own means, he must also inform the organisation of his abandonment, hand over the geolocation device so that the organisation can cancel his bib and identify him as withdrawn, otherwise the organisation will consider him lost and will activate the rescue alarm.

The route of the HUEX NON STOP WILL NOT BE signposted with ribbons or arrows, and the use of a GPS navigation device is COMPULSORY to follow the route. 

The organisers will provide all participants with the track of each of the 9 sections that make up the route.

In the night sections there will be reflective signs/indications at the most complex points to make it easier to follow the official track.

In the event of deviating from the route, the participant must return to the route via the same place where he/she deviated. In the event of returning to the route by a route that involves a cut in the official route, the participant will be sanctioned according to the rules set out in the article «Sanctions».

For participants in the INDIVIDUAL category, it is their responsibility to manage batteries and/or change GPS navigation devices at each Control Point.

The check points will be located at the end of each section. 





CP5- PTO. MORAL – CLOSING CONTROL: (To be defined h)

CP6- NERVA – CLOSING CONTROL: (To be defined h)




Each participant (individual) or team will receive a geolocation device before entering the start box on the race day, which will mark the location and route completed at all times. 

This geolocation device will be the object that each participant in the relay will have to hand over at the Control Point to the next participant who is going to continue the next leg. 

The geolocation device indicates the participant’s status and location at all times, so that any alert of movement, departure or shortening of the route or change of participant will be controlled by the organisation.

The real time location of each participant will be published live on the event’s website for all the public, being a fundamental tool for the person in ASSISTANCE, as they will be able to know in real time the location of their participant/team.

The geolocation devices will be handed out 1 hour before the start next to the Signature Control.

The geolocation devices will be handed in 1 hour before the start at the Signing Control. At the time of delivery, a deposit of €50 will be retained on a card of the participant / team, with prior authorisation, which will be returned when the device is returned at the finish line.


In case of withdrawal, the device must be handed over to the organiser at the Check Point who will notify the reception of the device in order to proceed with the return of the deposit.


The HUEX NON STOP is a test of self-sufficiency and ultra endurance.  During the route between each checkpoint there is no assistance, refreshments or pick-up service.

Participants / teams must accredit at the time of registration an ASSISTANCE person who will be responsible for assisting the participant and / or team throughout the race, ensuring food, hydration, mechanical and withdrawal assistance during the course outside the checkpoints.

The organisation will only provide a refreshment, mechanical assistance and rest area at the check points where each section finishes.

The ASSISTANCE person must be identified and will be the only member of the team allowed to enter the area marked out at the Check Point.

The ASSISTANCE person will be the contact person for the organisation to communicate and/or inform about any incident that may occur with the participant.

The same ASSISTANCE person may assist more than one participant/team.

The ASSISTANCE person can be one of the participants in the case of COUPLES, TRIOS and TEAMS.

The HUEX NON STOP is a test of self-sufficiency and ultra endurance.  There is no assistance, refreshment or pick-up service between each checkpoint along the route.

In the event of a breakdown, the participant will have to use his assistance to be able to repair the breakdown and to be able to follow the route in order to enter the checkpoint before the cut-off time.

In case of loss, the participant must call the emergency number indicated on the race bib to speak to the organisation and to be told where to take the official track. 

On the other hand, if the organisation detects through the geolocation device that a participant is too far off the official track, it will call the participant’s telephone number to contact him/her and communicate the situation in order to redirect the participant. 

If a participant decides to withdraw because he/she cannot find the track, he/she must call the organisation to inform them and call their ASSISTANCE to pick him/her up from the place where he/she is. 

In the event of a fall, the participant must call the emergency number indicated on the race bib to speak to the organisation and indicate their situation in order to assess the participant’s condition and determine with the health and emergency teams the protocol to be activated for assistance/collection. 

If the fall is not serious but prevents the participant from continuing, the participant must inform the organisation via the emergency number and will have to contact their ASISTENCIA to be picked up. 

The person from ASISTENCIA will be the organisation’s contact person to communicate and/or inform about any incident that may occur with the participant if and when the participant is unable to do so.

The HUEX NON STOP is a test of self-sufficiency and ultra endurance. In the night sections, the organisers will set up a covered rest area at the end of each of these sections so that participants who require it can rest for as long as they deem necessary without ever exceeding the closing time of the section. 

Any runner who does not leave the section because he/she is sleeping before the closing time will be disqualified. 

The material for resting (mattresses, mats, etc.) must be provided by the participant’s ASSISTANCE person.

The Control Points will be, as far as possible, in the sports centres / pavilions of the published municipalities. All the refreshment, rest, changing and showering facilities will be available at these sites. 

The track of the Huex Non Stop runs through numerous urban areas in the province of Huelva. Only in these urban sections, the runners of the INDIVIDUAL modality will be able to leave the track to stock up / rest if they need to. 

The return to the track must be via the same starting point so as not to take any shortcuts on the route. 

For the participants of the Couples / Trios / Teams modality, it will not be allowed to leave the track.

Each runner who enters the control zone at the end of a section may rest wherever he/she wishes. Until he/she passes through the start control of that section, he/she will not be officially counted as a participant in the race. 

Therefore, each participant who passes the finish control of a section may rest outside the enclosure, informing the organisation. 

If a runner does not take the start of a section before the closing time of the checkpoint, the participant/team will be disqualified.

Each rider who enters the control zone at the end of a section may rest as long as he/she wishes until the closing time of the control. Until he/she passes through the start control of that section, he/she will not be officially counted as a participant in the race. 

Therefore, each competitor who checks in at the finish of a section may rest for as long as he/she needs to, informing the organisers. 

If a competitor does not take the start of a section before the closing time of the checkpoint, the competitor/team will be disqualified.

The race bib and runner’s bag can only be collected at the established place and at the scheduled times. For those runners who cannot collect their bibs on Friday, a tent will be set up in the start area to collect the bibs one hour before the start. All the timetables can be found in the + INFO section of the website.

The participant will be obliged to wear the bib number during the whole race, always on the front of the bike, in a totally visible way.

Each bib number is personal and non-transferable. The bib must be collected by the bib holder or by a third party as long as they present express authorisation from the bib holder and a photocopy of their ID card and/or passport.

Each participant will be assigned a bib number which will be determined randomly in all cases, except for the first numbers which will be determined by the Organisation.


The HUEX NON STOP has the following modalities:

  • RELAYS PAIRS (2 participants)
  • TRIOS RELAYS (3 participants)
  • TEAM RELAYS (4 participants)


The categories established for each modality of HUEX NON STOP will be the following:

  • INDIVIDUAL MALE /FEMALE. (18 years old and over  before the celebration of the event).
  • RELAYS MALE, FEMALE AND MIXED PAIRS ( At least 18 years old before the celebration of the event).
  • RELAY MALE, FEMALE AND MIXED TRIO (At least 18 years old before the celebration of the event).
  • RELAYS MALE, FEMALE AND MIXED TEAM (At least 18 years old before the celebration of the event)
  • *MIXED: At least one woman in the team.



  • CORPORATE (Teams formed by employees of the same company/institution/organisation).
  • ELITE (18 to 29 years old in the year of the competition) *MTB only.
  • MASTER 30 (30 to 39 years old, completed in the year of the competition) *MTB only.
  • MASTER 40 (From 40 to 49 years old. Completed the year of the competition) *MTB only
  • MASTER 50 (From 50 onwards. Completed the year of the competition) *MTB only
  • GRAVEL (Complete Teams / Individual with Gravel type bikes) This subcategory does NOT enter in the Absolute General Classification.
  • E -BIKE (Complete Teams / Individual with Electric bikes) This subcategory does NOT enter in the Absolute General Classification.


The subcategories are not cumulative, i.e. it is not possible to participate in two subcategories.

Important: in the case of Couples, Trios and Teams, the subcategory will be established by taking the average age in years of the team members. 

E.g.: If the average of all team members is 39,8. Only the absolute values will be used, (years), in this case 39, and it would be Master 30 category.  

The HUEX NON STOP is an official federated event. 

Participants who are not federated and do not have a federative licence from the Andalusian Cycling Federation or Spanish Cycling Federation must take out a licence on the day of the race. 

This insurance covers you for the entire duration of the race and its cost is 20€ + vat to be paid at the time of registration. 

The HUEX Non Stop has an E-Bike subcategory with the intention of giving the possibility of enjoying the event to cyclists who use this type of bike. 

The E-Bike subcategory will NOT count for the general classification of the race, but they will have their own particular classification in the different modalities of the event: Individual, Couples, Trios or Teams 4. 

In order to guarantee the correct development of the race and to avoid possible large time lags between the race leader in the general classification and the E-BIKE sub-category, there will be a minimum time at the start of each section in which it will not be possible to start any E-Bike. 

The classification of the E-Bike sub-category will be the sum of the times of each of the 9 completed stages. 

Example: Minimum start time for section 4 starting in Almonaster: 22:00h. If an E-BIKE participant arrives at the end of Leg 3 in Almonaster at 21:15h, he/she will not be able to continue and start Leg 4 until 22:00h. 

In the event that an E-BIKE participant arrives at the end of the section one hour after the minimum time imposed for the start of the next section, he/she will be able to continue the route without waiting.

This measure is aimed at not detracting from the competition or the logistical development of the event. 

Minimum start time at the beginning of each section: 

Section 1: El Rompido – (To be defined h) (together with the rest of the participants).

Section 2: Tharsis – (To be defined h)

Section 3 – Sta. Bárbara – (To be defined h)

Section 4 – Almonaster – (To be defined h)

Section 5 – Cañaveral – (To be defined h)

Section 6 – Puerto Moral – (To be defined h)

Section 7 – Nerva – (To be defined h)

Section 8 – Villarrasa – (To be defined h)

Section 9 – Gibraleón – (To be defined h)

The awards ceremony will take place on Sunday in El Rompido, Cartaya (Huelva).

Trophies will be awarded to the following categories:

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in the INDIVIDUAL category.

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd in the COUPLE category.

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd of the category TRIOS

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd of the TEAMS category

Podium Medals will be awarded to the following subcategories:

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd of each subcategory in INDIVIDUAL (Corporate, Elite, M30, M40, M50, Gravel, Ebike).

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd of each subcategory in COUPLE (Corporate, Elite, M30, M40, M50, Gravel, Ebike)

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd of each subcategory in TRIOS (Corporate, Elite, M30, M40, M50, Gravel, Ebike)

– 1st, 2nd, 3rd of each subcategory in TEAMS (Corporate, Elite, M30, M40, M50, Gravel, Ebike).

Non-presence at the trophy ceremony will be understood as a waiver of the trophies or prizes won. Any delegation to another person for the collection of the trophies and prizes must be known and authorised by the Organisation at least 1 hour before the awarding of the trophies and prizes.

In case the winners want their trophy / medal to be sent to them after the event. They should contact the organisation to claim the shipping which will be charged to the participant with a price of 10€ for shipping costs.


The organisation obliges the participants of the HUEX NON STOP to carry the following material in order to be able to complete the entire route:

  • GPS navigation device with the track of the race.
  • Use of a rigid helmet approved for cycling during the course of the race.
  • Watertight bottles and/or bags for liquids: With a minimum total capacity of 1L.
  • Mobile phone with a charged battery and operational throughout the race.
  • Use of reflective elements, front and rear lights so that participants are clearly visible at dusk, night and dawn.
  • Headlamp for the night sections (it is not compulsory to carry it from the start, but it IS compulsory for the night sections).
  • Thermal blanket.
  • Food reserve: bars, gels, fruit…
  • Mechanical spare parts for punctures.

All the material indicated here must be carried throughout the entire route, except for the headlamps, which can be taken at nightfall and handed in during the day. 

The route of the HUEX NON STOP WILL NOT BE signposted with ribbons or arrows, and the use of a GPS navigation device is COMPULSORY to follow the route. 

The sections of the course are designed so that the battery of a GPS navigation device will last for the entire section.

For participants in the INDIVIDUAL category, it is their responsibility to manage the batteries and/or change the GPS navigation devices at each Control Point.

The organisers recommend having more than one GPS navigation device so that the participant, with the help of their ASSISTANCE, can use and charge them along the route.

At the checkpoints, there will be a device charging area for those participants who need it

The spotlights for the night sections are NOT obligatory to carry them during the entire route. 

It is the responsibility of the participant / Team to take the spotlight at the checkpoints and / or route through the ASSISTANCE. 

When it gets dark, at the beginning of the section there will be a control of material where it will be checked that you have a spotlight among the compulsory material. If you do not have a spotlight at the start of the section, you will not be allowed to leave the section.

When it is daytime, you may hand over the spotlight to the ASSISTANCE at the route and/or checkpoint.

The start of the HUEX NON STOP will be on Saturday 16th November at 10:00H in the town of El Rompido, Cartaya (Huelva).

The race will have a single start.

A starting grid will be formed with the most outstanding participants at the discretion of the organization.

In the event that for justified reasons one of the members of the team cannot attend the event, the team must contact the organisation to change the name of the person affected and make the necessary arrangements. The organisers will make every effort to ensure that the team can participate in the event with another member or in another modality.

Throughout the race there will be several medical and security teams that will be coordinated with 112 by the central management of the HUEX NON STOP.

These teams will be distributed among the different Control Points and refreshment posts and the participant will be able to request their help or assistance in case of need.

Random or general medical checks may be carried out at certain points. Refusal to carry out a check-up or disrespect to the doctor or assistant who requests it will result in the immediate invalidation of the race bib.

All participants will submit to the doctor’s judgement whenever he/she so requests, the assessment of the medical team taking precedence over any other, and therefore the doctors may:

  • Eliminate from the race (by cancelling the race bib) any runner they consider unfit to continue.
  • Order the evacuation of any runner they consider to be in danger.
  • Order the hospitalisation of any runner when this is considered necessary.